Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog #4: Venue

Since I decided to create an article for Wikipedia about Gallura, which is a region situated in Sardegna, Italy, I took a look at already existing articles about a topic similar to mine.

For instance, I took a look at Sardinia itself, which is a much broader topic if we consider that Gallura is only a small part of it. The following represents the scheme I will be following for my article:

1. Geography I should specify where it is situated, which are the main mountains, rivers, and lake, and how is the climate like.

2. History

-from neolithic up to today

-immigration tendencies

3. Economy

-GDP and GDP per Capita

-Describe each of the three sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary), specifying which one is the most important.

3.1 Transportation

4. Demographics

-Population Density, and how it changed during the years

-life expectancy (when available)

4.1 Genetic Peculiarities (maybe)

5. Government and Politics

Who has the power and how it is administrated. Probably I will write also a little intro about Sardinia's Government in general.


6.1 Language-gallurese

6.2 Music

6.3 Sport

6.4 Food-typical dishes

7. Enviroment

-Flora and Fauna (plants, animals...)

-Natural Parks (Limbara)

-Renewable Energies



10.External Links

The last three parts are still a little bit unclear to me and I would like to discuss them further with the professor

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