Friday, November 6, 2009

This is

1 comment:


    1) How well does the author seem to know the reading? Do they use direct quotes, paraphrase, and summaries? 1) Not at all. 2) Barely. 3) Somewhat. 4) OK. 5) Good. (6) Impressive. Comments: The author know her material very well.

    2) Do you see any potential for unintentional plagiarism in this paper as the draft is now or as it is revised? Look for radical changes in style, un-cited data, possible cut-and-paste from the web and etc. None__have not found any____Possible______Please explain: I believe some things were maybe paraphrased but, not plagerized.

    3) How well has the author communicated their opinions on the subject (including clear ideas and sentences)? Did they answer the question clearly and promptly and then follow-through? 1) Not at all. 2) Barely. 3) Somewhat. 4) OK. (5) Good. (6) Impressive. Comments: I think she did an amazing job in communicating her opinion about the place that she was writing about.

    4) How well is the essay structured? Does the overall organization make sense? 1) Not at all. 2) Barely. 3) Somewhat. 4) OK. 5) Good. (6) Impressive. Comments: The way that the essay was structured was very well, because it was clear and organized, in which she took each step to explain.

    5) Overall, on a scale of 1 to 6, how far along the road to a final draft is this paper? 1) Not at all. 2) Barely. 3) Somewhat. 4) OK. (5) Good. 6) Impressive. Comments: This paper is half way done, overall, it is a very well written draft.

    What are the main issues this author needs to work on in order to improve this essay (top 3)?: I think this draft is very good and I think you just need to expand it.
